Translate Swedish to German
Since your target language is German, so you are in a bit of a tight spot, as German is, by default, one of the most expensive target languages to begin with. But the languages are still very accessible and you will have a long list of translation agencies and translators who can provide you German translation. You should look for a translation agency that gives you the translation that comes with seasonal or target language based discounts and you will have good rates.
Swedish is not a common language either, but it is spoken in Sweden, the hub of power, innovation and economic prosperity. This is an expensive language because a native Swedish translator is going to charge rates that suit a Swedish lifestyle most of the time.
You can still get an accurate translation at a lower price
The best way to get an accurate Swedish to German translation is to get in touch with a translation agency who is specialized in the Nordic languages, like NordicTrans. Since we are focused on those languages, we have plenty of translators who can translate between Swedish and German directly, so you don’t have to pay extra for translating from Swedish to English and then from English to German. With us, even though the translation industry tends to keep prices at a high level, you are able to get the translation that you need at the lowest rates in the market.
Reasons why we are able to do that when everyone else can’t are many, but the most important ones are the fact that we are cutting useless times (using in-house translators and a live connection with the others allows us to quickly assign translators to the task, cutting down times and costs as well). Get in touch and see what we can do for you.