Arabic language

Arabic language is the second most spoken language in Sweden

In the past in Sweden, Finnish was the most utilized language after Swedish. Nowadays, it seems to be occupied by the Arabic language. This conclusion is based on the number of speakers that exceeds the Finnish language quickly and rapidly. The reason for this may lie in the large number of refugees increasingly settling in Sweden in recent years.

online translation services

The Demand for Online Translation Services is a Rising Business

More than 1.4 billion people or 70% of the population with access to the Internet, do not speak English. The potential of global businesses is huge considering that they use online translation services to translate their websites, as those people will access only sites that are in a language they speak or understand and they will omit sites in English.

translation rates per word

How to get lower translation rates per word without lowering quality

It’s in the human nature to search for ways to pay less for a product or service when shopping. People tend to go with the lowest price even though the quality of said product or service isn’t always the best. Same with translation, everyone is looking for lower translation rates per word, and some even go with the lowest price not considering the quality they may get.

translation management software

How Translation Management Software Can Boost Productivity

There are three key ways in which you can increase the productivity of your team through a well-chosen translation management software. The first way is to provide the human translator with an appropriate software tool. The second way is through translation memory which allows users to understand content. The third way is to choose a team and a project manager which will share quickly and without problems all relevant information between translators and clients.

Nordic translation budget

How to Save on your Nordic Translation Budget?

It is common practice in translation work, for the project to be charged according to the number of words. But the price also may vary depending on the language demanded. For example, translation from English to Chinese or Japanese can cost much more than average. The reasons for the variability is the complexity of languages that affect the price. Sometimes, the factor that determines the price may be high demand for linguists in a specific language or specific area. The low population of a particular language group means less translators that can provide quality output, that is the reason why their work will be charged higher.

Icelandic language origin

Interesting Facts About the Icelandic Language Origin and its History

Here are some quick facts about the Icelandic language origin and history. Currently 350,000 people speak Icelandic in the world. Of these, 323,000 people live in Iceland. As the world’s population currently stands at 7 billion people, it means that 0.005% speak Icelandic. This is a fact which is important for linguists who are more interested in the history of Iceland and its native language.