Why proofreading documents is needed
Most translation agencies offer proofreading documents as an additional service to the projects of their customers. Some clients always include it when hiring translators. On the other hand, there are also others who are still unsure about it, and whether they really need one.
If you are still unsure and confused about what additional proofreading is all about, this service could be done after a document has been translated already. Primary translators always proofread their work to ensure that it is accurate and error-free. However, proofreading documents after translation is done to improve the translated work.
Furthermore, second translators execute the additional proofreading in order to bring a new approach and viewpoint. Although translators make an effort to deliver quality work, there is still a possibility that they could miss some errors. Aside from going over the document, a proofreader can improve it to suit its intended readers.
If you are puzzled over whether proofreaders can also be translators, the former need to have a comprehensive knowledge of both the languages of the original and the translated works. They are usually native speakers of the original language, and are experienced translators at the same time. Thus, they are adept at translating and proofreading work.
If you are still unsure whether proofreading documents is necessary, it is recommended to include it when you have translation projects. An example is a project that includes brochures, documents, websites, leaflets, as well as press releases that are intended for marketing purposes. An excellent translation that has been proofread by a second translator is more likely to be free of errors and appropriate for raising awareness and increasing sales.
On the other hand, there are situations when additional proofreading is not necessary. An initial translation can still be a high quality work without additional proof reading except in situations when the first translator did a substandard job. If the primary translator is really competent and proficient, your work will be thoroughly reviewed in order to ensure that it is satisfactory. Keep in mind that professional translation agencies hire proficient and experienced translators with a background in linguistics.
In conclusion, additional proofreading is not always required. However, you can consult the project manager in a translation agency if you are unsure of getting the service of a proofreader. An experienced agency would understand your needs and would assess your requirements to see if an additional proofreading service is necessary for your project.
Proofreading documents after translation is a great way to provide accurate output, that is why we are always assign a translator and an additional proofreader to each task.