Determining the history, all the ancient civilizations used some sort of device for communication. This device is not technological but rather natural. We call it language. Some civilizations such as ancient Egypt used hieroglyphics to convey their ideas while others such as Indo-Americans knotted ropes in a specific order to communicate. Since the beginning of life, Communication was gestural until people learned to speak. This learning leads to the development of different World languages some of which are still in use.
Language is the reason for development. Before the advent of world languages, people used to communicate in sign language by giving gestures or by drawing pictures in the sand to make it easy for other people to understand their ideas. These little contributions lead to the invention of World languages.
What is a language?
Language is something you are already familiar with. You know the language as a combination of different words and syllables that help you build up a sentence to communicate and convey your ideas to others. A language is both written and spoken. There are some sign languages but usually, all other languages are in spoken and written form. Since the beginning of life, languages have been in use by not only human populations but also different animals and birds.
These animals and birds do not have a proper language. They mimic actions and sounds to convey their message. In a way, we can call animal language, sign language. Languages can be both official and national. People use Official language in formal meetings, offices, and government sectors. The general public uses National language on national occasions and other informal gatherings.
More about the term “Language”
As you know, there are numerous languages in the world each of which follows a different writing script and has a different writing style.