Business Tips and Tricks

Why you need to translate marketing materials and how to do itWhy you need to translate marketing materials and how to do it

Why you need to translate marketing materials and how to do it

Not everyone speaks English, and when it comes to expanding your business, your best bet is to translate marketing materials…

7 years ago
How to Improve the Translation Quality of your Foreign Written NewslettersHow to Improve the Translation Quality of your Foreign Written Newsletters

How to Improve the Translation Quality of your Foreign Written Newsletters

Email newsletters today are often used and are more popular than in the past. What’s that has to do with…

7 years ago
Why use a UK translation company and what are the benefitsWhy use a UK translation company and what are the benefits

Why use a UK translation company and what are the benefits

If you’re looking for a translation agency or company for your Nordic translation needs, NordicTrans is here! We are a…

7 years ago
What are CAT Tools and the advantages in using themWhat are CAT Tools and the advantages in using them

What are CAT Tools and the advantages in using them

CAT is an acronym for Computer-Assisted Translation. CAT tools are a type of a assistance translation program that human translators…

8 years ago
How to Improve your Social Media StrategyHow to Improve your Social Media Strategy

How to Improve your Social Media Strategy

Through social media, customers are able to access a lot of information and data. That is why more and more…

8 years ago
Why Would You Use a Professional Translator for English into Norwegian Translation?Why Would You Use a Professional Translator for English into Norwegian Translation?

Why Would You Use a Professional Translator for English into Norwegian Translation?

When preparing for English into Norwegian translation, it is very important to pay respects to the cultures your messages are…

8 years ago
The Demand for Online Translation Services is a Rising BusinessThe Demand for Online Translation Services is a Rising Business

The Demand for Online Translation Services is a Rising Business

More than 1.4 billion people or 70% of the population with access to the Internet, do not speak English. The…

8 years ago
2 Reasons Why a Translation Company is the Best Choice for Nordic Languages2 Reasons Why a Translation Company is the Best Choice for Nordic Languages

2 Reasons Why a Translation Company is the Best Choice for Nordic Languages

Nordic languages are pretty difficult to learn and different from each other. When you need to use them, the best…

8 years ago
Why Is Translating German Business Documents in Finnish Necessary?Why Is Translating German Business Documents in Finnish Necessary?

Why Is Translating German Business Documents in Finnish Necessary?

Translating German helps companies find business partners and expand on new markets. Business documents need to be translated by professionals…

8 years ago
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