When are such services needed?
The target audience for transcreation services is usually composed of more than customers, stakeholders, re-sellers or even employees are included in the group. The text should appeal to all of them. Obviously, the clients are the most important and re-creating the content for them is a must, however, let’s not forget your employees you’ve hired in that country, how are they going to be able to sell your products or answer client’s questions if they don’t know much about the products? Same goes for others like business partners and stakeholders.
Going global or going local was never an easy option. While going global may need less transcreation services, going local definitely makes use of this service more. It is a matter of will in the end, are you going to simply translate the text on your website, or are you going to localize it and adapt it to the target market? Because in the end, that is what transcreation services do, adapt your text to a target market in a way they would thing it was specifically created for them.
Going into less important details it is best to note that today, in the era of technology and internet, people are not going to give your company credit for translating for them, instead, they will ask themselves what the hell were you thinking when you’ve added such a bad translation on the company website.
Simply using machine translation tools won’t cut it, same as using professional translation and no content adaptation. Translation is no longer enough, transcreation services are.