The same way as any other professionals, translators influence and make our lives easier in any field of activity. Nataly Kelly from Common Sense Advisory, through a poll made for translators and interpreters, found that 96.4% responded that they are satisfied with their work. This shows the amount of devotion they put into their work.
We at NordicTrans endorse this attitude and that’s why we are eager to receive your request for translation whether it is medical, technical, legal, financial or any other specialization. We only employ professional translators and we will only use translators who are specialized in your field and natives of your target language. Accurate translations are then proofread by an independent translator and checked by our QA team before being delivered.
With us, you can get the best translation services you can find at the lowest rates. We don’t only deal with documents in any format, we also translate websites and can surely localize your software or app to just about any language or target market.