Every house has a different system. Only those living inside it know how it operates and their struggles cannot be comprehended by anyone else. No one surveys home to figure out the life inside them. But the same isn’t true for countries. The lifestyle of a society isn’t something that happens behind closed doors, it is out in the open. There are methods in place to measure the quality of life in countries and based on the results of those tests, each state gets a special rating on a scale. There are places in the world with poor living conditions where no one wants to live. Even the citizens of such countries want to immigrate to other states so they can escape the harsh living conditions. After all, everyone wants basic health facilities and access to education. So, it is totally understandable if people don’t want to stick around and experience difficulties in their state.
There are places that are perfect for people regardless of their beliefs and race. Such countries are ideal welfare states and they accomplish that by offering an amazing lifestyle to their citizen. Not only do they offer the basic necessities like health, access to education and clean water, but also provides an environment full of opportunities for their citizens. A country isn’t successful if its people can’t find jobs or get the education of their choice. States have to provide such opportunities to their people. A state full of educated and employed people will become successful automatically.
But no successful state achieved its status overnight. There is no magic wand that can fix all the problems countries have to face in order to provide a comfortable lifestyle to their citizens. They have to put in place laws that not only work in the favor of the population but also benefit the country as a whole. Scandinavian countries are known around the world for the quality of life they provide their citizens. Their policies are a big inspiration to states everywhere and can be used to bring positive changes everywhere. They are the ones who provide their population with personal liberties the rest of the world is too afraid to offer. The economic state of these countries is also pretty good. As a result, there is no shortage of opportunities for their citizens. Healthcare, education, and income equality are few of the things these states offer their citizens.
What are the Languages Do Swedish Speak?
We may think that our differences divide us but they are unavoidable. There can’t be over seven billion people on earth without differences between them. We are different right from our birth. There is difference in our skin color and eye color. Some of us have curly hair while some are born with straight hair. The differences only increase from there. We live in different societies and as a result, have customs and cultures that are not the same everywhere. People of each culture celebrate festivals unique to them. Even the way they eat is different from people of other societies.
Immigrants and foreigners have also brought plenty of languages to Sweden. Many of them have become a part of the country’s culture and are spoken by some percentage of the population. The most famous among the foreign tongues is English which is spoken and understood by nearly 86% of the population. German and French are the other two foreign tongues that are famous in Sweden. Greek, Spanish, and Arabic are few of the tongues brought to Sweden by immigrants. They are mostly spoken by immigrant communities and haven’t made their way to the general public yet.
There is a culture of respect in Sweden which means that all cultures and languages there get their spotlight. People aren’t discriminated against for speaking their languages which is why immigrants continue to use their tongues in their communities. Swedish enjoys the highest protocol but English isn’t a foreign concept to the Swedes. A foreigner will have no problem getting around in Sweden if they can speak English. Majority of the people will be able to talk in English and even give you directions easily. However, if someone wants to figure out the Swedish society, learning about its many languages can be a good place to start. The minority languages are also important in other parts of the world so it will be beneficial to get to know them a little better.